Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 17, 2009

Finally got the snapshot off the video of Gracie's Birthday.

Here she is in her birthday present from Aunt Suzie, looking like a model!!!
Love this pic.
:) Will post more later

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 16, 2009

Last day of co-op :(  Kind of sad/love the fact I can spend $$$ elsewhere! ;)  I guess they didn't get enough volunteers to teach.  If they get some, they'll let us know.  Otherwise, they're going to re-try for fall.  I think Colette will be old enough to be in a younger class then, so I can try teaching a class this fall :)  I want to teach a unit-study type of study with the Little House picture books.  The classes are very non-academic, but more fun.  I would like to do a class for the younger kids. The parents are all required to volunteer in classes, so I'll have ample assistance!

Had some good news today!!  Gracie was in the younger K-1 class for language arts, her teacher said if they do have class next semester however, she'd probably get more out of  the grade 2-3 class!! Her reading and writing was high enough she said :) Proud mommy!!

It didn't help that Gracie/Rachel/Colette have friends, 3 of which are in one family that decided to bypass next semester even 'if' they have it!  It was interefering with their schoolwork, but she is willing to come back for just fall semester.  She is going to try and find a Christian soccer team, as their old coach has left.  Christian sports are different, it's just for fun.  No competition, parents aren't allowed to yell for sidelines (they'll just kick them out.).  The rules are clear.  So if she finds one, all her younger kids (has 7) play soccer and I think Gracie will enjoy that.  Rachel is reluctant to do any sports so I may not bother to spend the money.  (In PE she just kind of stands around, Gracie tries)

I bought a book today :)  It's a used book, but  goes with what Rachel is learning in Time4learning-Vikings. 

It comes highly reccommended, as is suppose to be almost cartoon-like.  I think she'll like this one!!  I am getting these ideas from their friends mom, lol... whatever they're studying-read a book on it!  How she gets the history books involved.  So I'm sure they're appreceating that!!

She'll be studying Eskimos next (or I guess now they call them Inuit).  Can not find any books on them.  I thought for sure they'd have some kind of story-life book. 
Happy Homeschooling!!
God bless!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Yes, we're still alive ;)

Haven't had much time to post lately, sorry!!
Nothing really exciting going on.  The kids are using 'Time 4 Learning' (, and Rachel is using Saxon also.  Time4learning has become a great supplement!!!

Today the kids are going to co-op.  They are having a Christmas party today, and I believe the next semester will start after Christmas.  I'm still not sure what classes they'll be taking. 

A few days back we went and got the kids ornaments.  Colette (3) got an ornament shaped like a present.  I woke up the other day and she was all, 'I broke it mommy! I broke it!'   Turns out, she was trying to open it up to see what was inside (nothing, it was solid), and she was banging the corner on the door to pry  it open! lol...crazy kid
Will be back later!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy International Internet Day!!

We all spent the day being very thankful for our computer!! LOL...
We have added a subject to our day...'What holiday is going on in the world today?'
It's a shame this blog site won't let us post us clapping in a video;)  But that is the 'actual' holiday (believe it or not) that is going on (that we chose) for today.
Happy Homeschooling!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

October 21,2009

For all those wondering, we're going the more traditional route..with kind of a twist.  Year-round school..with only a few subjects a day (or about;)  Lets just say we're in 'transition'...;)

I am still classical/trivium, however, so Rachel is the only one going to formal education.  Gracie will be doing math cards to memorize her facts and that is about it.  I don't start formal education until around grade 4. 

I am starting Rachel on Saxon 5/'s a math program for advanced grade 4, but a fifth grade book. She's doing great!:)  This is a college-reccommended curriculum, so it's pretty good!!  I'm unsure about the rest, but am actually making a schedule for the year-never done that before....

We also got a camcorder, look to the left on the top and you'll see the link to those.  I can also still-frame them to make photos:) LOVE that camcorder!!

We met a swan that was 'very' hungry!

Rachel earned a fish

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 7, 2009

Birthday Party!!:)
Well, it was a family birthday but we still had fun.  Most of our birthday parties are family, with maybe a friend or two as they get older..

Colette turned 3 years old

Colette blowing out the candles on her cake.  She blew them all out herself :)

She really loved her presents

Happy Unschooling!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2,2009

You have to just 'love' this online math text we're using!! It's just wonderful, and the most exciting part is you can use the concept anywhere.  The other day we were in the car, and since most of the math is all oral, I just started it up.

What are 2 balls and 3 balls? (Old English, too funny!)
What do 3 balls and 3 balls make?
What do 3 apples and 3 apples make?
How many more are 6 apples than 3 apples?
How many more are 6 apples than 2 apples?
What is 3 and 3?
What is half of 6?
How many kids can have 6 apples?
How many ones in 6?
How many can have 2 apples?
How many are 2 times 3 apples?
How many 2's in 6?
What is 1/3 of 6?
What is 2/3 of 6?
What is 3/3 of 6?

This is just an early lesson!!!  The kids 'love' it!!  Then, when it introduces double digit numbers, it automatically introduces place value with it!!  Next week, it will be going into Roman Numerals-wow!!  Rachel is moving right along..I think Gracie is kind of lost, but participates the best she can.  Since I don't really teach 'formal' curriculums till around age 9 or so-I let her pick up what she gets.  She really is picking up a lot!!

Today we're reading: The Last Princess, by Fay Stanley.  It is a story of the last Hawaiian princess.  Should be interesting!

Happy Unschooling!:)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

End of September, 2009

Oh, what a month!! Still getting organized and all.    But we're getting there:)

Math at our house.  The screen looks black, but it's Timezattack, and all three 'love it'!!  Gracie is even playing it, learning her times tables just from the game.  Colette has even memorized a few.

Our goal this month is to get an ant farm.  Another goal is to find a place where the cats won't find it, lol;)  They find a shelf, sprawl out on it, and knock over everything in their way!!!!
Have considered taping it to the back of the shelf..then maybe they'll lay in front of it???
We'll see, this could be an adventure!

This month mom had a birthday!

I got flowers, Colette thought they were pretty and picked a few for mommy the next morning..;)

Colette started recieving her birthday presents.  Thanks Aunt Steph!!

I try to get my pictures quick, as soon as we get the gifts...maybe this one I should had waited till a 'happier mood', lol;)  She didnt' seem too enthusiastic!!

This is our blog for September.  Happy unschooling everyone!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 23,2009

Yep, it's looking like we're back to old routines..which is okay!  We're still reading the 'Everyday Bible', when we have it from the library for use during the 'mock nap-time'    The American Story also comes in handy. One story a day, and they have their history:) 

 Colette playing playdough with friend "Lily" and a new girl (I believe her name is 'Maggie')

We are still using, 'First Language Lessons,' but that book has a lot of review!! Keep in mind, however, it is for grades 1-2, so it is pretty much just trying to 'cram the info in'...instead of waiting a few years when they actually understand the information.  Now that Rachel is 8 years old, it only took her a few days on common nouns/proper nouns and she needs no introduction.  What I did was print off the pages on grades 1-4 of the free language arts link I have:

(which is only like 3 pages per grade), and once she finishes those we'll skip to Lesson..I think around 30, and do the next one: pronoun.  Imagine, 30 lessons on just nouns!!  What a waste that would had been.  She has about two pages left and we'll move on.
I got a hold of some Singapore Math workbooks, and she seems to enjoy doing them.  We're also doing the math text I found online, learning about fractions and such.  It's all oral, so far, with a lot of manipulatives for demonstrations.  They really enjoy this!!

Oh, here is the link for timezattack:

Her and the other kids on the playground

Jumping on the bridge with Jonas
(I do try to get pictures of the others during PE..but the lighting must be weird..they all come out grainy! I'll post  them next time just the same..
Gracie is playing it now, and she's only 6!!  Now if I can just get them to memorize their additinon/subtraction..;)  I didn't memorize it much, so I guess it's not a big deal.  But I really want them to.  No calculators in this house!!;)

I also got the next book in the series on  famous artists.  Our latest was a book on Vincent Van Gogh," Camille and the Sunflowers'.  This is a little more of a story then the other one, but still a great story!

We looked at his paintings:;_ylt=A0geu6eVRbtKAS0BZp1XNyoA?ei=UTF-8&p=vincent+van+gogh&rd=r2&fr2=tab-web&fr=yfp-t-832-s

and read a little about him.  What a sad ending to such a gifted painters life!!  It is such a shame he didn't grow up now, maybe someone could had helped him come out of his despair..

We also read of a young artist (well, she's not young now, but when the book was written she was only 14, now she's in her 30's..).  She started painting at an early age, and made her first major painting at age 4! It was even put on a stamp in China!!  , "A Young Painter: The life and paintings of Won Yani'.  The most interesting thing about this is she was never taught 'how' to paint.  Her father is an artist, and he purposely did not tell her how to paint saying it would stunt her creativity.  Interesting theory for those that want to sign their kids up for art classes and such.  I'm sure they're okay, but what an interesting phylosophy!!

This was very interesting, and  hopefully taught Rachel (who tend to be a perfectionist) that there is no 'way' to paint!  Art can be anything. 

Happy Unschooling!:)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Septemeber 20, 2009

It's looking like we're going right back to where we were before! Which is okay, I guess;)  I still enjoy the online math text, however.  It's all oral, and has a lot of  ideas on how to do math through manipulatives/game-like fashion.  Rachel is also doing Timez Attack, and wants to buy the 'more graphic' version-has more levels and such.  Gracie has found some adding/subtraction games that Rachel likes as well.   (hers are online).  You can find these games in my yahoo group: favlinks.  There are a lot to choose from!!  One is like pacman, and you have to 'crunch' the ghost with the correct answer.  Real fun!;)  And ofcourse (my favorite), First Language Lessons.  The fun/interactive ones work well for us!

This is Colette with her new outfit, her aunt sent her.  Not her birthday yet..but we couldn't resist;) lol..she ripped it right open.

Happy Homeschooling..or are we unschooling again, lol;)

Friday, September 18, 2009

What a week!

We had co-op, which went great!! The kids really enjoy their spanish class, where they're learning a few phrases and such..PE, etc.. Colette 'loves' playing with her friends!  All is good

One thing one of the moms there told me about was the 'Clep' program.

This is the best link for this.  Basically, once you take the class, you take the 'Clep' test.  It's kind of  like in college when you 'test-out' of a class.  If you pass it, you get college credit!!  What she is doing, is her kids are 15yo.  So they took the first 'two years of college' (which are english, math, history, science, etc.)-they're testing out of those.  Then the 'next' two years, they can spend on a major. By the time they graduate-they'll have a bachelors degree!!:)  It's not cheap..but a lot cheaper then college.  Plan to save!! 
She's also letting me know on the best curriculums reccommended for those tests:) Another plus.

One thing she told me, which was rather interesting, is that colleges now aren't looking for one forign language, now they want two.  Which two?  Latin, and any other language.  Hers learned Spanish, and (according to her), they haven't shown much preference for Spanish-they want Latin.  I figure a class in 'Latin Roots' will siffice as a Latin class..I guess.  But I did find that interesting..

Afraid I'm leaning toward that 'Unschooling Wall' I ever get this organized!! Probably's in me;)  But at grade 6, it'll be formal all the way;) and pretty much just 'testing out' of highschool, lol.!

Happy Homeschooling!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Up till September 9, 2009

Oh, has it been busy!!  Tuesday the kids went to co-op and had a great time.  They are learning some phrases in Spanish, along with a few songs.  Lots of arts/crafts!!  They both love PE.  Colette even got to go to the playground and went on the 'wobbly' bridge.  I guess seeing all the other kids go on it fine made her feel safer;)  When one of her friends sisters came in (Lily), Lily pulled her sister aside, motioned to Colette and said, 'this is my friend'.  too cute!! I think Lily is around 3yo.  We even got chips on the way out (raising money for ..something;) ..that's  So they enjoyed that!
Colette sitting with her friend, 'Lily', coloring.  They like to talk to eachother..cute!!

Today we're going 'relaxed' again.  Read a little from the Chronological Bible, and then the Everyday Bible. I've decided I'm going to just read what the book has in stories. It's too much of a headache to go looking around for a story that matches.. 

Gracie did her reading, and that is moving fast!  Rachel  decided she wants to read, 'The Wizard of Oz' this week.  She was suppose to read, 'The Prince and the Pea', but when Iread it to them (I usually will pre-read a good story;) she liked it so much, she read it again!  So, guess that is out..  But she decided on that one.

We did math again, the simple adding, subtracting. Imagine, the first week and it is already covering simple multiplication!! All oral, and story problem-like but that is fast moving!  And they are getting it. Learning adding/subtracting and multiplication all in one. Wow!  Rachel also works from a workbook we got Singapore Math 2a.  It's one of those curriculums that is around 2years ahead public schools.  She seems to enjoy it. We do the textbook orally, (it's colorful/interactive/mostly story problems), and she will do the first page of the workbook today for 'homework'.  Having her do the worksheet during school was too much waiting!! So we have 'homework' now:)

We looked at the Saxon textbooks I got.  They're nice, and I plan to use them next year, maybe.  They go right into algebra grade 4.  I tried printing off a pre-algebra site I found for her, as some people just 'struggle though' didn't work too well.  So we'll look at it again next year. It's for grades 4 and 5, but is still a few years ahead of public schools..  I figure with this textbook we're using, at the rate it's moving, maybe we'll get to algebra by then!;)  if not next year, grade 6 is a good year to start algebra too..but at the rate the textbook we're using now is moving..and how great it is at explaining/breaking things down, they should be thinking more 'algebraically' by the time we finish this year..
Colette loves to draw pictures

We used First Language Lessons and learned about proper nouns and common nouns and Rachel did a worksheet from our language arts site on this.  Then we did something new: This day in history.  It was fairly detailed, so I just had them study 'Korea'.  We found it on the map, (their ball;) observed how close it was to our country and colored a flag:)

We ended up finishing A is for America, and looked up all the states mentioned on the map.  We discussed the major highways (which I love!) that are on the map, so they can see what highway we would take if we go and drive somewhere.  We used 'east' and 'west' when trying to find the states, and the mile-maker thing;) to see how many miles it was.  They aleady understand the equator.  So we covered some ground;) 
Gracie drew a picture of one of her webkinz extended family.

They also 'finally' got a chance to paint their clay snowmen/cookie ( ran out of dough;)  They had a lot of fun!!
Here are the snowmen.   Gracie, Rachel and Colette.  LOL..we ran out of clay..she got the 'cookie'

Happy Homeschooling!!

September 4,2009

We showed up on the correct day today:)
So we made it to the co-op, and what did I find? MORE books for sale..and then there were a few more laying on the table.  Singapore Math  Of course, they couldn't be for sale. These are the math materials I had wanted to purchase for Rachel, I figured they must be selling them quite high..much higher then 25cents.
I was wrong..a little..they were FREE! So I got 2 grades in one!  I am going to use them along with what we have..the material wasn't what I had expected..of course I don't have the teacher manual, which I am sure makes a big difference.  I like the online textbook for just that reason, all the instructions are there.  But all together, our math is straighted out for some time:)
There were a lot of people there.  It's quite a large area.

Then we listed to a sherriff lady talk about bike safety and such.  The line for the helmets was quite long (we were slow to react I guess;) and got in at the end.  Proud to say the girls were quite patient, and ended up with a pink kitty helmet!!  Colette tried one on, but they didn't have any left in her size, so they'll bring one for her (and other younger kids that didn't get one) at next month's meeting..I believe (if I understood right).
Either way, FREE! Yes! :)
Happy mommy, can't complain!
The park overlooks a lake.  It's very beautiful, but you have to watch for gators!!;)
The girls made a friend.  She had a toy-chiahahua, long haired.  It was so fluffy!!  It was so small, it was no bigger then your hand.  probably a little bigger then the girls hands' (just one hand!).  Too cute, but our cat could easily hold it down with one paw, lol..
The girls got matching helmets.  Colette almost got one, but her head was too small so she has to wait for the correct size.  Rachel isn't too happy about helmets..she doesn't like how they feel.  Can't say I don't feel the same;)

By the time we got home, I was ready to go to bed, so we just called it quits.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 3, 2009

Oh..what a week, lol...I got up early,  got everything set.  The calendar on the wall had broken...maybe I should have 'fixed it', because I got the kids ready, got the snacks picked out and we headed for the park for their homeschool meeting :)

only problem is..the homeschool meets on's Thursday.
:( not good!!  This is the first month we'll attend, so without the calendar to keep track of days (that's what you get when you work nights I guess..they all get confused ;)
This is my big prize :)  It is so hard to find these balls. A great way to 'play and learn'

So needless to say...we didn't make it!  :(

Instead we did a little laundry!! It went to get gas, and when I opened the door the kids were playing a 'spelling game'.  And then, to top it off, when I went to the laundromat (Dollar General is right nextdoor), I found  the ball I have been looking for!  It's very hard to find, as only one comes in a shipment.  Then Gracie lost a tooth last night, so she decided to use her tooth money there.  And, in our house, when someone loses a tooth-we ALL get presents!!:) So it was a fun day, despite the;)
Gracie, Rachel and Colette with their prizes. 

Happy Homeschooling!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Today was more a of a day off.  We did read the Chronological Bible, and then Rachel reviewed her spelling words by taking another pre-test, and then writing the words she missed 10X.  The words in that story are quite complicated, and she got more right then she did wrong! So that is good. 
Rachel also read another chapter from her Barbie book.

Then we kind of got distracted;)  So that was it!
Happy Homeschooling!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 1, 2009

Co-op Day!!
I can't figure out 'how' to get that pic. to move;)  Above is Colette and her friend 'Jonas' looking out the window of the 'baby room' (as she calls it).  It overlooks the parking lot, trees, and much-loved 'playground'!
Prior to this, Colette only sat on the 'big' potty once-with daddy!  What got her to do it?  Well, I told the little ham, 'if you go on the potty, I'll take your picture!:)'
Wish I would have thought of that sooner...she went like..three times!
Colette eating her snack
Rachel and Gracie waiting for their class to start.  They have this 'huge' soccer ball, the kids love to play with it!
I was tyring to get a good pic of Rachel and Gracie, Colette walks right up in front of the camera..;) love to have her picture taken!
Colette on the playground.  I would have taken a better picture, but we came out a little late.  Weren't out there long when the daycare kids marched out-time for us to go!
Colettte drove a car..wouldn't give me time to focus in/get her to look.  Jumped out just as quick!  Too much to do..
Colette on the bigger slide

The kids really enjoy this day and today they started their first day of 4-H!  Both age groups they're in  chose a form of science for their topics to cover, so they're excited about that!  4-H is every other Tuesday.

As for school, we really don't do much, if anything at all on Tuesdays, especially when it's a full-day!  They started this week at 10am (although next time will be at 10:30 so there won't be a big gap), but then got out at 11:30, and played for about an hour/ate till classes starting at 12:30.  Only downfall is Colette..there is 'nothing' for her to do!!  There is a playground at the church, but we can only use it when the daycare is not using it..guess when they're using it???;) when 4-H is on!!

After this they went to their class, and Colette got a chance to see her friends:)  It's so cute, they talk to eachother and everything, and understand one another.  Rachel and Gracie spoke of 'more' friends they had made, hopefully they will be at the park on Thursday!!:)
They both learned, 'Jesus Loves Me' during Spanish and Gracie spoke of an art project she did in another class.  (it's drying, I guess..)
One dissappointment, although I do like fun and games...they keep learning these songs..As much fun as songs are..why not words??  I I the only one lost on this??  I may ask/even offer to teach a beginning Spanish class for conversation next year/semester. After all, the Spanish teacher is native..why aren't they doing anything???;) okay, just me.  At $15 a semester, can't be too picky!!;)   But I may ask anyways!!

Then, to top off the day, they had a box out front.  'All books 25 cents'.  The group is big on charities, so I am guessing the money went to that.  What I found in the boxes was a gold mine!!:)
It got Saxon 5/4 workbook (has pencil marks in it, but for the price, yes!) and a solutions manual..i'm thinking it costs around $50 regular..maybe $30 used.  It's for an advanced grade 4 student..I think Rachel can handle it.  It starts out algebra ;)  But the mom in Colettes class said she used it for a struggling grade 4, and just took two years to do it.  Techinically, it's grade 4, but it's one of those curriculums that like...two years above public schools..but it's one of the best curriculums out there!  I had wanted Teaching Textbooks for next year, but the mom said Saxon also had DVD's, and they work fine for her.  I also got Saxon 7/8 workbook, solutions manual and tests/worksheets.  (will have to get the tests/worksheets for Rachel).  I will try to erase the pencil marks..I suppose white-out will work too.  She can just copy it like a textbook, then I can use it for the other two:)

I also got several history books I found.  All for $3.  Yes!!  That's over $100 worth of stuff!!

Not much else to say.  They had a good time.
Happy Homeschooling!:)

August 31, 2009

Oh, I got behind!!  I was so tried/headache, I couldn't do it;) 
We read the Chronological Bible, but there were no stories for what we read on, in any of the books I have, so we didn't have any stories to read..

We went from there to: (i figure there is no reason to explain, since we do it every week;)  Gracie's letters are in bold.  We'll call this our 'letter game'.
I- Igloos are built in the snow
J-There are animals in the jungle.
K-Kangaroos can jump.

Gracie then worked on her penmanship. 
Rachel has a spelling list from her book, Emporor's New Clothes, where she'll learn to spell ;)   So she worked on spelling city.  She does that twice a day, as the words are quite difficult.

While Rachel was on Spelling City, Gracie and Colette worked on math.  We did the adding with hands and such, and then went through numbers 1-3 with the dots.  Kind of like 'dice faces', where you count the dots.  That's how they teach them to add.  She did very well!  Of course, she's practiced adding before.  But we also math like: If I have 4 fingetrs, how many more fingers would I need to make 5?  So it teaches them that as well!

Rachel is working on her Barbie Sea of Friends book, still.  She will finish it this week, and start on a new book next week.  We haven't decided on the book, yet.  She picks it out from a pile of catalogs I have and I just HOPE it's available at the library;)  She likes the catalogs, as it has pictures, and a description.  She also looks at her movies, and we go online (library) to see if there are any books..

Going on First Langauge Lessons, we practiced the next lesson and learned about 'Common Nouns'.  I printed off a worksheet for her to do from the free site I have listed (scroll down a day or so for the link).

We then went on to, A is for America, letters M-S, where we discussed the Missippi River, looked at a map and saw long it actually is!  I purchased a map from Dollar Tree, of the United States.  It's not too big/but not too small (place mat), and what I like about it is it shows major highways, so they can see the highway we would take to each state!  We have a world map, but it's not laminated, and I don't want to put it up until after we move (beginning of the year), so it doesn't get damaged...had that experience once..

Then it was time for Colette to go to bed.  So we had everyone lay down for a 'mock' nap time, and serious one for the 2yo;)  (when she falls asleep, everyone else gets up!;) lol..
But I read Garden Wigglers (author listed in previous post) Rachel didn't get a chance to hear the story, and she 'loves' science..  I then read The American Story by-Jennifer Armstrong.  This is an excellent book!! It goes through history, in a 'story-like' form.  We stopped on year 1626. 
When Colette fell asleep, we all got up!:)

We have been meaning to do 'living math''s just a rough start this year!!  My biggest reccommendation would be 'board games' where you use questions from their curriculum (whatever you're covering), instead of regular cards.   I have told Rachel she has to memorize her addition/subtraction and multiplication this year..or at least that's the goal;)  She 'knows' her addition/subtraction, for the most part. I want the 'snap my finger' give me the answer, though.  She doesn't like pressure, so I just want it to be common a 'what color is this' type of question. 

Happy Homeschooling!!:)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday, August 29,2009

Although our clay has dried out, we decided to wait until Monday to paint them.  Mom was tired!!  Feeling a cold coming on, and needed to sleep it off a little.  Rachel also needed to finish her 'Emporer's New Clothes' book.  So even though it was a weekend..;) we still had a little school work!

The girls started their 'points for cash' chores.  They seem to be getting into them!!  One cent=one point.  I already have a clean livingroom/kitchen and Rachel is doing dishes.  :)  so far so good!  Dishes (only if done water everywhere) are 50 points, so I moved that one up a little. 

I am debating whether to purhcase the workbook I had planned for Rachel, or just to go ahead with that online program.  I know what I am going to use for the next year, but that doesn't start until grade 5 so I am trying to 'fill in the gap'.  What I like about the online program is it is pretty much 'all oral'.  Which require you to memorize the facts, and then there is no full page of workbook sheets to overwhelm you as well.  Just a few to copy down, and it is almost all story problems.  So I may stick with them, and try and get them to memorize those facts!!
Will see...still in the 'planning mode'.

The kids are already looking forward to their co-op on Tuesday!!  They had a great time :)

Happy Homeschooling!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 4
Well, lol ;) the pots did not turn out like we'd hoped.  As I learned from others in the MFW group online, they just don't stand!  I was hoping ours would be better, but..they weren't!!  So the kids played with the clay and instead made something else.  If I'm able to get batteries for my camera this weekend, I will get a pic to put up.  They ended up with 'snowmen', which turned out quite good.  Nothing to do with what we're studying, but in this heat who wouldn't want snow??? ;)

To top things off, Rachel was up at 4am today, and I woke up at 2am myself.  Neither of us could get back to sleep!  When I finally started getting things together to do school, Rachel fell asleep in front of the television.  So now it's just Gracie and I. :)

We're doing the usual, reading from the Chronological BibleChildren's Everyday Bible

I also found some new sites online.  I found a site for an online math text from the late 1800's.  In one book it goes from counting, how many eyes do you have all the way up to division!!  It only shows how 'dumbed down' American education has become.  So I plan to start Gracie off on that, and have Rachel sit in as it will quickly catch up to her!  It is mostly oral, but I have a free online workbook to use for practice.   There are two links.  They are almost the same book, but one has more oral, so I use them both.  I started off Gracie on the first lesson today, which was all oral and even tried to include Colette in 'where are you hands?' 'How many hands are there?'  Colette enjoyed holding out her hands and feet and Gracie decided on an answer.  It starts off easy, but progresses quite fast.  Time for the kids to memorize those facts!!!  
:( we've been slacking in that area... 


Keeping this in mind, I went to find an online reader for Gracie.  She has been doing very well in reading, so fast may be good for her. I came across this book.  It has nice pictures, which I know she'll enjoy!!

We read the first portion (which she had no problems with) and went right onto the next one.  The next story has the silent 'e', something she is working on.  She has the concept down, as she has seen the 'Leap' movies, but hasn't really put them into practice yet.  So we'll see!

At this point Rachel was still asleep, so I had Gracie and Colette lay down as I read, Leonardo and the Flying Boy, by-Laurence Anholt.  A wonderful story about Leonardo and his two real-life apprentice'.  Very interesting!! 
I also read, Garden Wigglers, by-Nancy Loewen.  Cute, and nice pictures!  Of course, they both fell asleep, lol;)

The clay is still in the oven, we didn't leave it on all night, and since I have to work tonight we will probably paint in the morning.  Once Rachel awakes I will have her work on finishing up The Emporerors New Clothes.
Happy Homeschooling!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27, 2009

Day 3

I had to run to the library this morning. I came home with a bunch of books and while I was getting things organized, my 8yo hit the books and read to Gracie:
Are you a Snail?
Are you a Ladybug?
Are you a Spider?
Are you a Dragonfly?
(all by same author as previous day)

When I asked if they learned anything from them, Gracie said that foxes eat snails and Rachel said that they eat thrushes too. ;) got something out of them!

We went on with our regular routine of reading the Chronological Bible, page 13, Gen. 11,12. (stopping once Abram moved) We also read out of the 'Children's Everyday Bible', pg. 20,22. I think it's getting now where the stories may be far in between, so I do plan to read the Bible aloud to them, maybe while they're coloring or something.  This is where they're starting to show dates, however, so this will be great for timeline that we're doing (with coloring pages), we can now write the dates under them!:)

We followed this by going over From Rags to Riches, by Leslie Sills. This was an interesting book of how children were treated way back in the 1600's, the dress and just what was expected of them! We discussed child labor, the death rate among children and adults (average life-span was 30 yo!) and I think it gave us an appreciation for what we have now.

We also did our word game with E,F and G. Colette could not make it (fell asleep), but Gracie chose the italicized one, with Rachel making a sentence:
Elephants are gray.
I am fast at running.
Gophers can dig underground.

Gracie then went onto practice her printing on her wipee board. Rachel went onto take her mid-week spelling test, aced it! :) So no more spelling for the rest of the week for her!!

For reading, Rachel is going to be reading, 'The Emporers New Clothes' (same one I read aloud). What I plan for her to do is let me know what she read about, if she can not give me an idea of what is going on in the story-perhaps she needs to re-read it!;) She is supposed to have this done by Saturday. After this, I have a site that lists spelling words from the book.

The Catapillar
For First Language Lessons we went over Lesson 2. We reviewed nouns, learned a new poem to memorize.
Brown and Furry,
Catapillar in a hurry.
Take a walk,
On a shady leaf or stalk.
May no toad spy you,
May the little birds walk by you.
Spin and die,
To live again a butterfly.

We made up hand motions, the kids really enjoy that! 
I had Rachel do the second sheet on nouns, and a word find:

and another puzzle:

this one above seems to be an intro. to crosswords, so if they already know this, then maybe going to the next level would be fine.

We also went over A is for America, G-L and learned about the Statue of Liberty, Wright Brother's and the Lincoln Memorial.  While we were looking at pictures in another book, Rachel read, Backyard Bug Battle, by-Scott Nickel.  I asked her what it was about, she couldn't answer.  Looking it over, however, I wasn't was a cartoon book and it didn't make any sense at all.  I don't think it was about anything but trying to smash the cartoon-like bugs!

Later on today we will be making our clay pots.  Earlier this week we learned about scrolls, so now is the time to make clay pots like the ones they used to store them in.  I have this recipe:
Cornstarch Modeling Clay (6 small jars)
1/2 C cornstarch
1/2 C salt
3/4 C flour
Slowly add:
1/2 C water until mixture can be kneaded without being too sticky.
Add food coloring as needed.

I also plan to put it in the fridge, so it will be firmer and perhaps stand a little more easily.

Happy Homeschooling!:)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26, 2009

Day 2
Today we had a busy day!! I wasn't feeling well :( I slept in a little later, hoping the Excedrin I took (which makes me tired..) would kick in. It did-a little..

(I think what I will have to do is make sure I get more sleep for that co-op! Put a shock to my system.. )

We started off with The Tyndale (One Year) New Living Translation, Chronological Bible. I read to them from page 13, "Genesis 11:19". I did skip over the naming and such. We then read from Egermeier's Bible Story Book. Ironically, the other story book we usually use, did not have 'The Tower of Babel' in their book??? Guess it's not as popular a story as I figured..;)

Using the MFW manual, we finished Day 1 by covering letter's B,C. (this will be the last time I refer to the manual. for the most part, I am using the manual, but just adding my extra tid-bits/using my own library materials).
Colette, once again, repeated the letters. Gracie chose the words, bear and car. Rachel put them in sentences:
Bears are scary.
Cars are yellow.

Rachel then went on and did her 'Spelling City' for 20min. She also did a worksheet off the site.

Gracie worked on a math sheet from one of her workbooks that she seems to enjoy (volunteered;) She does her math when she wants to. She enjoys learning!!:) We are still waiting for Rachel's math to come in..

I read aloud to them, The Emperors New Clothes, and we looked at the history of clothing from the book What People wore When, by Melissa Leventon. They really seemed to enjoy this, and a lot of the clothing was quite interesting!! This gave us a chance to discuss our families geneology and what our great-grandparents wore/as well as their ancestors.

Rachel is still working on her Barbie book. Today she is finishing chapter 2. She also read to Gracie and her webkinz the following books:
Are You a Bee? from Backyard Books Series, by- Judy Allen and Tudor Humphries
Are you a Butterfly? (same authors)

She really enjoyed the bee one, and told me all about the queen bee and how it could sting more than once whereas worker bees can only sting once.

Gracie read a book from Abeka, Fun with Pets. She read by herself, again volunteered, and read The Fat Rat and Pat's Cat. She will be getting books soon, we had a misunderstanding with the library. Apparently last year we could have as many books as we wanted, but the libaries they ordered from this year want a limit..have to get them under control I guess!;)

We went over First Language Lessons, Gracie sat in as well. (although it is grade 1, I don't teach grammar until around age as much as I do want her to pay attention, she doesn't do anything else). Today we were introduced to nouns. (of course she picked it up immediately!) It was about a five minute lesson. I had her do page 1 of the worksheets off this site. I think the worksheet took her about 5 minutes as well..and that one I made sure was neat;) So it didn't take long..

Here is the link to the worksheets. The site I use, has only three worksheets for each grade (up to grade 4) on nouns. First Language Lessons does a lot of review, I know more then three times!! So I started at grade 1, then by the end she will have all grades covered, ;) so it starts out quite easy!! Here's the link to first three.

I also read to them the first 6 letters of, A is for America, by-Devin Scillian. We discussed the Liberty Bell, the states they were in, The Battle at Bunker Hill, big cities across the country, Detroit, Michigan triggered the conversation on automobiles, the bald eagle (have a book waiting at the library for this), to the Egret-which we see out here in Florida often!
All this from the first six letters!!

Looking at this, we also looked over Discover America! A Scenic Tour of the Fifty States, by National Geographic. We looked at pictures of North Dakota, New England, New York buildings/sky scrapers at night. They were beautiful!!

This year is a slow start for us. We will be meaning to start some 'living math' activities, once we get the swing of things. For those of you following this blog, I will give you a few ideas daily (even if we do not do them ourselves). Today I am not feeling well. Too many meds, too much headache!! lol;)

One item I have brought up with them, however, is they have a point chart in which they get points for chores completed (that we did not ask them to do.) If we have to ask, no points. Picking up after themselves can also get them five points, all the way up to doing dishes (neatly), which is 20 points. They also get points taken away for certain behaviors, too, so that is a motivator;) Anyways we usually have prizes like picking out their favorite cereal all the way up to sleep-over or a visit to the water park. This year I have brought up 'pennies'. I asked, 'when you get 100 points, how much will you have??' $1 (which doesn't sound like too much to us, but their eyes lit up ;) Anyways, an idea.

Other ideas:
Play Store (we did this for a while. it was fun!!)
Play restaurant (ask kids to make up a menu, you hand them the money, and they make up the change)
Calendar (ask them to read the calendar for you. what day is it today? what day is your birthday? what will the date be next week?)

You can find a lot of other ideas on:

This site will also list off books that 'teach math through literature'. A lot of fun!! :) ...if you have a child that enjoys this (which I hear a lot said the stories were 'dorky' and just plain 'weird'!)

Happy Homeschooling!!

August 25, 2009

Today was the first day of co-op!! The girls didn't get much sleep the night before, but they still had a blast :)

To start it off, the kids played in the gym while the teachers got everything organized. Colette jumped right in, grabbed a ball and started bouncing/rolling it back and forth between another girl about her age. Gracie and Rachel ran into the group-and Gracie made a friend right away!! It turns out, they are in the same classes :))))

Next was a mixture of Spanish/PE and the extra class. Gracie is taking something along the lines of literature/acting??? Basically, they are making acting mixes in I have no idea...

Rachel is taking a class called, 'Theater'. The title is up to the the class works- who knows! lol;) But they had a good time!
They have the class every Tuesday and had a great time!!:)