Thursday, October 1, 2009

End of September, 2009

Oh, what a month!! Still getting organized and all.    But we're getting there:)

Math at our house.  The screen looks black, but it's Timezattack, and all three 'love it'!!  Gracie is even playing it, learning her times tables just from the game.  Colette has even memorized a few.

Our goal this month is to get an ant farm.  Another goal is to find a place where the cats won't find it, lol;)  They find a shelf, sprawl out on it, and knock over everything in their way!!!!
Have considered taping it to the back of the shelf..then maybe they'll lay in front of it???
We'll see, this could be an adventure!

This month mom had a birthday!

I got flowers, Colette thought they were pretty and picked a few for mommy the next morning..;)

Colette started recieving her birthday presents.  Thanks Aunt Steph!!

I try to get my pictures quick, as soon as we get the gifts...maybe this one I should had waited till a 'happier mood', lol;)  She didnt' seem too enthusiastic!!

This is our blog for September.  Happy unschooling everyone!!

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