Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 23,2009

Yep, it's looking like we're back to old routines..which is okay!  We're still reading the 'Everyday Bible', when we have it from the library for use during the 'mock nap-time'    The American Story also comes in handy. One story a day, and they have their history:) 

 Colette playing playdough with friend "Lily" and a new girl (I believe her name is 'Maggie')

We are still using, 'First Language Lessons,' but that book has a lot of review!! Keep in mind, however, it is for grades 1-2, so it is pretty much just trying to 'cram the info in'...instead of waiting a few years when they actually understand the information.  Now that Rachel is 8 years old, it only took her a few days on common nouns/proper nouns and she needs no introduction.  What I did was print off the pages on grades 1-4 of the free language arts link I have:

(which is only like 3 pages per grade), and once she finishes those we'll skip to Lesson..I think around 30, and do the next one: pronoun.  Imagine, 30 lessons on just nouns!!  What a waste that would had been.  She has about two pages left and we'll move on.
I got a hold of some Singapore Math workbooks, and she seems to enjoy doing them.  We're also doing the math text I found online, learning about fractions and such.  It's all oral, so far, with a lot of manipulatives for demonstrations.  They really enjoy this!!

Oh, here is the link for timezattack:

Her and the other kids on the playground

Jumping on the bridge with Jonas
(I do try to get pictures of the others during PE..but the lighting must be weird..they all come out grainy! I'll post  them next time just the same..
Gracie is playing it now, and she's only 6!!  Now if I can just get them to memorize their additinon/subtraction..;)  I didn't memorize it much, so I guess it's not a big deal.  But I really want them to.  No calculators in this house!!;)

I also got the next book in the series on  famous artists.  Our latest was a book on Vincent Van Gogh," Camille and the Sunflowers'.  This is a little more of a story then the other one, but still a great story!

We looked at his paintings:;_ylt=A0geu6eVRbtKAS0BZp1XNyoA?ei=UTF-8&p=vincent+van+gogh&rd=r2&fr2=tab-web&fr=yfp-t-832-s

and read a little about him.  What a sad ending to such a gifted painters life!!  It is such a shame he didn't grow up now, maybe someone could had helped him come out of his despair..

We also read of a young artist (well, she's not young now, but when the book was written she was only 14, now she's in her 30's..).  She started painting at an early age, and made her first major painting at age 4! It was even put on a stamp in China!!  , "A Young Painter: The life and paintings of Won Yani'.  The most interesting thing about this is she was never taught 'how' to paint.  Her father is an artist, and he purposely did not tell her how to paint saying it would stunt her creativity.  Interesting theory for those that want to sign their kids up for art classes and such.  I'm sure they're okay, but what an interesting phylosophy!!

This was very interesting, and  hopefully taught Rachel (who tend to be a perfectionist) that there is no 'way' to paint!  Art can be anything. 

Happy Unschooling!:)

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