Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 3, 2009

Oh..what a week, lol...I got up early,  got everything set.  The calendar on the wall had broken...maybe I should have 'fixed it', because I got the kids ready, got the snacks picked out and we headed for the park for their homeschool meeting :)

only problem is..the homeschool meets on's Thursday.
:( not good!!  This is the first month we'll attend, so without the calendar to keep track of days (that's what you get when you work nights I guess..they all get confused ;)
This is my big prize :)  It is so hard to find these balls. A great way to 'play and learn'

So needless to say...we didn't make it!  :(

Instead we did a little laundry!! It went to get gas, and when I opened the door the kids were playing a 'spelling game'.  And then, to top it off, when I went to the laundromat (Dollar General is right nextdoor), I found  the ball I have been looking for!  It's very hard to find, as only one comes in a shipment.  Then Gracie lost a tooth last night, so she decided to use her tooth money there.  And, in our house, when someone loses a tooth-we ALL get presents!!:) So it was a fun day, despite the;)
Gracie, Rachel and Colette with their prizes. 

Happy Homeschooling!

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