Friday, September 18, 2009

What a week!

We had co-op, which went great!! The kids really enjoy their spanish class, where they're learning a few phrases and such..PE, etc.. Colette 'loves' playing with her friends!  All is good

One thing one of the moms there told me about was the 'Clep' program.

This is the best link for this.  Basically, once you take the class, you take the 'Clep' test.  It's kind of  like in college when you 'test-out' of a class.  If you pass it, you get college credit!!  What she is doing, is her kids are 15yo.  So they took the first 'two years of college' (which are english, math, history, science, etc.)-they're testing out of those.  Then the 'next' two years, they can spend on a major. By the time they graduate-they'll have a bachelors degree!!:)  It's not cheap..but a lot cheaper then college.  Plan to save!! 
She's also letting me know on the best curriculums reccommended for those tests:) Another plus.

One thing she told me, which was rather interesting, is that colleges now aren't looking for one forign language, now they want two.  Which two?  Latin, and any other language.  Hers learned Spanish, and (according to her), they haven't shown much preference for Spanish-they want Latin.  I figure a class in 'Latin Roots' will siffice as a Latin class..I guess.  But I did find that interesting..

Afraid I'm leaning toward that 'Unschooling Wall' I ever get this organized!! Probably's in me;)  But at grade 6, it'll be formal all the way;) and pretty much just 'testing out' of highschool, lol.!

Happy Homeschooling!

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