Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27, 2009

Day 3

I had to run to the library this morning. I came home with a bunch of books and while I was getting things organized, my 8yo hit the books and read to Gracie:
Are you a Snail?
Are you a Ladybug?
Are you a Spider?
Are you a Dragonfly?
(all by same author as previous day)

When I asked if they learned anything from them, Gracie said that foxes eat snails and Rachel said that they eat thrushes too. ;) got something out of them!

We went on with our regular routine of reading the Chronological Bible, page 13, Gen. 11,12. (stopping once Abram moved) We also read out of the 'Children's Everyday Bible', pg. 20,22. I think it's getting now where the stories may be far in between, so I do plan to read the Bible aloud to them, maybe while they're coloring or something.  This is where they're starting to show dates, however, so this will be great for timeline that we're doing (with coloring pages), we can now write the dates under them!:)

We followed this by going over From Rags to Riches, by Leslie Sills. This was an interesting book of how children were treated way back in the 1600's, the dress and just what was expected of them! We discussed child labor, the death rate among children and adults (average life-span was 30 yo!) and I think it gave us an appreciation for what we have now.

We also did our word game with E,F and G. Colette could not make it (fell asleep), but Gracie chose the italicized one, with Rachel making a sentence:
Elephants are gray.
I am fast at running.
Gophers can dig underground.

Gracie then went onto practice her printing on her wipee board. Rachel went onto take her mid-week spelling test, aced it! :) So no more spelling for the rest of the week for her!!

For reading, Rachel is going to be reading, 'The Emporers New Clothes' (same one I read aloud). What I plan for her to do is let me know what she read about, if she can not give me an idea of what is going on in the story-perhaps she needs to re-read it!;) She is supposed to have this done by Saturday. After this, I have a site that lists spelling words from the book.

The Catapillar
For First Language Lessons we went over Lesson 2. We reviewed nouns, learned a new poem to memorize.
Brown and Furry,
Catapillar in a hurry.
Take a walk,
On a shady leaf or stalk.
May no toad spy you,
May the little birds walk by you.
Spin and die,
To live again a butterfly.

We made up hand motions, the kids really enjoy that! 
I had Rachel do the second sheet on nouns, and a word find:

and another puzzle:

this one above seems to be an intro. to crosswords, so if they already know this, then maybe going to the next level would be fine.

We also went over A is for America, G-L and learned about the Statue of Liberty, Wright Brother's and the Lincoln Memorial.  While we were looking at pictures in another book, Rachel read, Backyard Bug Battle, by-Scott Nickel.  I asked her what it was about, she couldn't answer.  Looking it over, however, I wasn't was a cartoon book and it didn't make any sense at all.  I don't think it was about anything but trying to smash the cartoon-like bugs!

Later on today we will be making our clay pots.  Earlier this week we learned about scrolls, so now is the time to make clay pots like the ones they used to store them in.  I have this recipe:
Cornstarch Modeling Clay (6 small jars)
1/2 C cornstarch
1/2 C salt
3/4 C flour
Slowly add:
1/2 C water until mixture can be kneaded without being too sticky.
Add food coloring as needed.

I also plan to put it in the fridge, so it will be firmer and perhaps stand a little more easily.

Happy Homeschooling!:)

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