Lol..I don't know 'what' we are anymore;) So I guess this is not "A Day in the Life of a Classical Unschooler' anymore;) or are we...?? I guess that will be up to the reader!!
Anyways, the day was off to a good start. We started late..which is usual. I work nights, so 'whenever' is a common term for us..
We started off with Bible Study/history. I am adapting a history curriculum from this site:
which starts out in 'the beginning', and using it as a morning Bible study! The books that are not available at the library, I supplement with similar books. So as we read the Bible (from a Chronological Bible, which, as of now, had to be sent back to library ;) haven't recieved it back yet!) we also read books along with it.
:) The kids enjoy this!!
We read page16 from, "Children's Everyday Bible', by Deborah Chancellor. Then we read, "Noah's Ark' by Jerry Pinkney. The pictures were beautiful!! Nice book. When we get the chronological Bible back, I will read to them aloud while they are coloring or something, as I don't think there are many more stories for a while.
From the MFW manual, I rolled up a piece of paper, and we discussed what a scroll was, and how it was used in ancient times. We discussed how they had no copy machines back then, so every time the scrolls would get worn out, they'd have to carefully recopy them. Can you imagine recopying the entire Bible!! Talk about copy work!!!
After this, we went onto the MFW (grade 1) reccommendation, and did the first 3 letters of the alphabet (okay, we forgot and just did 1, but tomorrow we'll do the other two;) Rachel and Gracie both enjoy practicing their printing/cursive on a wipe-off board, so we're not going to bother with that...(which MFW would reccommend), but I found a way to adapt it for my 2 and 8yo. This way they can all be involved!
Today we did the letter ,'A'. I pointed it out to Colette (2yo) and she repeated (very proud that she was involved, lol ;) Gracie (6yo, already knows her letters), picked a word that starts with this letter, 'apple', while Rachel (8yo), used it in a sentence: "I eat apples." We call this our 'Letter Game'.
When we were done with this, Rachel wrote a letter to Shelby, while Gracie worked on her printing with the wipee board. She also enjoys working on her cursive, as well. I let her do whichever one she chooses. They have 20 min. (or so) for this.
Then it was time for spelling words from spelling city!:)
This link has a free list of spelling words to use!! Rachel took the first list, then went onto the second and missed one word (lol...) , 'all'. Brain fart!! She laughed herself when she realized it;)-she can spell that easy. She went on and did the spelling games for the words, though. Tomorrow, she'll do the next level. I just asked her a few minutes ago how to spell the word, 'all'. Of course, she got it right.
And then what happened? LOL
Curled up on the couch as Rachel was on her spelling site, Gracie decided she wanted to work on her math book, as I laid down to wait- I was out for THREE HOURS!!
;) woke up in time to make them lunch.
When I woke up, they had found a, 'My Little Pony' movie on youtube, and were watching that. :) My Rachel is so computer literate!!
Rachel's math book isn't in yet, so we're going to overlook this class till it comes in. We plan to use Singapore Math.
For reading, Rachel has asked to work on fairytales. I haven't gotten all the books I have wanted from the library for this book, so we're 'taking it slow' till they come in;) Today she read the first page of, "The Emperor's New Clothes', by Hans Christian Andersen. We plan to discuss the history of clothes...when the books arrive.
She's been reading, 'Barbie: Skipper's Babysitting Blues,' on her own. She finished it the other day. She is reading, 'Barbie: A Sea of Friends', now.
While I was typing this out, Rachel was reading to Gracie, "Incredible Little Monsters," by Christopher Maynard. It is a book on reptiles. They are both sitting down trying to draw reptiles now! Got to love unschooling!!
What happend next? We called it quits! :)
We usually do our read-alouds before I go to work (which is before bed), to try and 'wind-down' the day. Currently, we are working on: 'The Best Christmas Pagaent Ever', by-Barbara Robinson.
Hapy Unschooling-or..whatever;)
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