This is what we did today:
We went for a long walk to Dollar General. All the way to Polk City! The kids had a good time and did they sleep great;)
Gracie read her book. She is doing good! This book was rated in book-grader at grade .08. She's on her way to grade 1 :)

I don't think I showed the front of this, so here it is. It is where we get our Bible stories from. Below is the story I read today.
Below is our history lesson. We read on Veteran's Day today. There was no quiz, but I 'quized' them on the dates of each holiday they covered. (I give them funny cues, they find it funny;)

Above is a book I checked out. Rachel 'loves' to read it! Only a few are grade 3, a few are grade 4, and the rest are grade 2 but she was so excited to read it I told her she could read it anyways. She likes books with colorful, pretty pictures and these are very imaginative!
Below is our science book I hadn't shown the day before.
Today we read about animals that come from eggs! The kids liked looking at all the pictures. This is a great book:) There was another page, but I forgot to put it behind this. We also studied 'mammals'. The kids found it interesting a whale and a cow are both mammals, yet so different!
For 'fractions' we do cooking:) Colette loves to stir, that's her big job. I quiz them on fractions, such as: if I have 1/4 cup, and the directions ask for 1/2, how many cups do i use. we make a circle to 'visualize' it. They're having trouble with it, as it is abstract so I don't press. It is something they'll understand better in later years as they began to think more abstractly. Right now, if they memorize it, great:) If not, they're just being exposed.
Below is a video of Colette stirring.
This week we're doing math through games. Today, that was replaced by our long walk. We also skipped dictionary, but will pick it tomorrow. Next week we will start back up 'paper work' for math, and alternate between games and paper-work.
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