Above is a picture Gracie drew. Colette got a hold of it..so it has a few 'scribbles'... For those that aren't familiar with PBS/don't visit the toy aisles on a regular basis;) It's 'Elmo'.
I work nights, Thursday-Sunday, so those are the days I am more then likely 'not' to write...sorry :( i fell behind!!
The girls usually do more 'art work' when I am working. Yesterday Gracie read: The Best Fall of All, by-Laura Goodwin before I fell asleep. I fell asleep before Rachel could read! Here is the book:
It says grade 1 :) happy mommy!! and you know what? i never really 'taught' her how to read. She pretty much taught herself. I answer her questions when she asks, and when she asks for words like 'shed' and such, I will tell her the word 'and' say 'sh' says...'shhhhh'. Just for future reference. Sometimes she remembers...sometimes not. Eventually, just like Rachel did, she picks it up and no longer needs to ask.
Wow!! Just think how many years public schools are wasting on this subject!
I got a video from the libray the other day. I was not impressed by the phonics one, so after seeing that I just put them aside. When the kids got a hold of them, they popped in the one on money. It's from 'Rock 'n' learn-they loved it! The multiplication one went off okay, they enjoyed the music. That lasted a couple days. The money one, they dragged out their piggy bank so they could count the money 'just like the video'! Even the 'grabbing' 'everything is mine';) 2yo didn't faze them. They didn't want to wait, had to 'count with the movie'.
Here is that link:
This is for 'mulicplicatin rap', which I believe is the one I got. They really enjoyed it! If you would prefer rock, I'm sure they 'may' have that too.
Here is the money one:
Check out your library, as I am sure any of these products (they have one for quite a few products, including spanish. We haven't looked at it yet, but have already checked it out) are good. I enjoy 'Leap' for phonics, but all kids are different. The Leap Frog toys did nothing for my kids, but they wouldn't be so successful unless they worked for otheres... Hint-buy the 'cheap' toys first.... We bought the expensive toys before we made the connection-not 'all' kids need educational toys. Just buy the video :) Some kids are 'visual learners', as others are 'kinesthetic' learners. Some a little of both. Mine are more visual, so the videos work better, and later they 'act out' the video (applying the information). How did the toys fare?
Well lets just use this:
'Look mommy, when you hit them all at once they make a funny sound' LOL!!!
I think they just missed the point all-together;).
I also read an interesting book: (well..okay, I 'skimmed it' ;) It's difficult to keep my interest! I am adding the link on the bottom of the home page, but will put it here as well. If any of you have a teenage daughter/son, you may want them to read these! It will give you a 'clear perspective' on what the opposite sex is really thinking...and believe me, we're not as similar as society lets us think we are!!! Even as a parent, a little 'skimming through' will open your eyes as well. Available at most libraries!
For Girls to read: For Young Women Only, by-Shaunti Feldhahn:
This one is for young men to read: (i don't think teenagers are real appreciative of the word 'boys';):
For Men only:
And really, just a thought. If you do have a teenage son, it may do him good to read the one for girls. Why? Well, just glancing through the book, it came to mind that many of them feel like they are 'alone' in their feelings...it seemed almost like they were bonding when they got together and shared their thoughts/emotions/feelings. Like, for the first time, they realized they were all the same... just a thought;)
Happy Unschooling!
oh-will add the other links soon...keep looking.