Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 1

Day 1

On this day we read together
Genesis 11:1-9 from the Bible.
We also read
Why did they build the tower?
Fear? Disobedience?  A little of both?
More than likely a little of both.
"So God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.'
But they chose to stay.

Psalm 143:10
was our copywork

Discussed obedience

Look up 'obedience' in the dictionary, also in the thesaurus.

Another good resource is the Noah Webster 1828 dictionary, available online.  It is interesting to see how the dictionary has changed through time.

You will also find many more verses on this 'definition' for copywork.

I like 'First Language Lessons', but McGuffey is also good to use.  These are available online for free (McGuffey), I will post the link next week, or write me if needed.

For math, I wrote Book Samaritan and got a 2010 application disc for free, (you can use any grade, just need the application disc) and I am buying the SOS grades (any year) off ebay for $6.  If you have the 2010 installation, it will run with any year.

We also use a math book from the late 1800's. It seems to work the same as 'Rays Arithmetic', at least I read a few samples.  It has really helped my kids learn 'oral math', and understanding word problems.

A site worth looking at!!

For spelling, use McGuffey Spelling.  We use grade 2 and 4.
They don't have links, but if you run the words, 'gutenberg project' through google, you will find all the old books online.

Hope this helps.
Happy Homeschooling!

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