Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 13, 2010

What a year!!
I would say it's doing great, and really, it is.  The kids are enjoying their lifepacs, Rachel is almost done with hers for the month and has already finished one. Life is good:)

At first I started with a mandated amount of work each day.  After all, I didn't want them to fall behind.  It didn't work out all that well, though.  I got the cranky, 'I don't want to.' 'This is too much, I can't!' I gave up.  The new rule goes this way- there are 10 lifepacs.  One for each month.  Do what you think you need to do to keep up.  Fall behind?  Looks like you're going to do summer school!  Very simple.  Rachel (9yo) has figured this out and is keeping up.  Gracie (7yo) is the one that only likes to do a few rows of math at a time...she may be falling behind.  But we'll see.  I know unschooling works best, and really do wish I had the funds/car to do it correctly.  I taught them how to keep up, they'll just have to deal with this till then.

Happy Homeschooling!

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