It's been a while!! We've 2 weeks off?? Maybe longer..LOL...;) Even during this time, it hasn't stopped the kids from reading/wanting to play their math games:) Just got to keep up with the blog!!!
Here's what we've done...I have a rather long list..
(i guess)
We didn't bother with the ornaments...she has already knocked nearly every candy cane off
We will need to get back into written math, though. I think that is important too.
This is a portion of science we read last week.
We did this one today. The kids enjoyed learning about 'endangered animals'..added another vocabulary word to their list;)
These may be repeats..I'm not sure!! But these are some stories Gracie has read to me. She does them really well, and hardly ever needs to ask questions.
I guess I entered this backward is the book it came from:)
I also have a series of videos. This first one: Gracie decided to help out with the dishes. Colette joined her, splashed around but really felt she was contributing.
On the right, Colette enjoys crawling across house with Rachel, making a new animal sound each time. Here they are playing 'alligator'. They move more in a line...but because of the video they are more moving in a circle here...can't take the video if they're crawling across the house;)
(it's a little dark)
(it's a little dark)
The one below is of our beloved cat climbing our Christmas tree!!
****I wasn't aware when I took video I couldn't put the camera sideways*** OOps!;)
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