Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September is here!!!

A lot of reflection went on this summer.  I have two going to middle school, and one staying home.  My youngest is very excited about this coming year!!

To start with, I created a group called, 'Disney Friends' on facebook.  Through this group, that meets once a month, (for homeschool/school kids) kids can meet other children that enjoy going to Disney.  When they find friends, they can go together!  My 7yo calls it, 'Disney School', LOL.   We will be getting our week Disney pass this/next month.  (Monday to Friday)

We also attend a coop in Orlando, where she takes Latin, American History, Writing, Magic Tree House Literature Study (science/history), My Body (science), and I believe another class;)  The coop is only 3 days a week, 2 classes a day.  She has a lot of fun!!  She's already made a friend or two, and can bring a sack lunch. 

To top that all off, we moved!!  A lot of changes going on this year.  Can't wait to post on them:)