Thank God for Gigatribe! lol..
Big changes due to all the things we have found. We're having a GREAT first week!! I went short the first day, as usual, and 9yo asked for a longer school day:) Gracie has even decided she likes this better than time4learning. Yeah!!
We're in transition it's a little choppy. I'm hoping to somehow encorporate 3yo into picture tomorrow...
I am not sure which pics I have posted, so will repost;)
What I plan to do is read short Bible stories with 3yo/kids first...but keep having a hectic start..
First 9yo goes online for Rosetta French :)-another Gigatribe gift!!
First there is AOP Bible, grade 3 (I heard this is a good place to start. Is a great intro!)
Then she goes and does AOP Language arts written
She seems to be doing great at this. It's a little challenging, but good. Not too happy about the 8+ letter words to look up in dictionary;)
She then goes back on the computer for AOP online version- SOS (Switched on Schoolhouse). I have grade 3 language arts on there, it will be good for her, I figured, since she has not really done anything formal. I am planning on just staying with this curriculum from now on. Tired of jumping around! She is enjoying this, so I may try to go online next a little more for her.
Then she goes back and does her AOP Math (grade 4).
7yo Plans....
She starts her day with the AOP Bible She does this while 9yo is on her French
(I guess it won't do much to show pic;) pretty much the same!
She then goes onto her Rosetta Spanish
This is challenging for her as well, but she does enjoy it. Much better/easier than working on a book. I just have them doing the same lessons until they match the words correctly. I also step into help as the directions are not all that clear, and it just assumes that you have good deciphering skills to figure out the words. I am teaching them to do that now.
After this she goes back to her schoolwork. She does her AOP Language arts and Math (both grade 2).
Today we read the first 6 pages of Little House in the Big Woods. We alternated reading, and 7yo did have to have help with a few words, but did great! I found that this is a grade 3 book, so it will be challenging for her.
We had a lot of fun. I will remember to take pics tomorrow! We read on how they preserved the deer meat, and did a little experiment of our own with bread. We put moist/dry bread in baggies on the counter/fridge and freezer. Kids are predicting and can not wait to see what will grow the fastest! We also had a copy exercise for vocabulary words.
We're not used to this kind of thing, so we're taking it a day at a time, but having fun!! This is going to be an exciting year!:)
Happy Homeschooling!:)