We have finally decided on what we're going to do this year!
We took a break for June, and will be starting the last week of this month. Before I say anything in haste, what I will do is post what they are doing each day. I have many high-priced items I am purchasing this year for my 9yo, which will be purchased throughout the year to save money on upfront cost.
Gracie will start back up with Time4learning for the month of July.
I will also have her read
"Strong and True" from Abeka
This is a later first grade book, (which would make it end of grade 2 for public schools) but I think she can handle the challenge.
Rachel will be taking a route outside Time4learning. She wasn't very happy with it. What she will be doing in math is continuing with the math workbook she had been doing.
For reading I went and purchased
I figured this will be a good review for grammar until I am able to buy the software that I want
I also purchased 'Learn at Home'. I had never used this before, but had always wanted to 'take a look'. Wow! I should had purchased this a long time ago. Anyways, it's filled with a lot of great ideas so I will alternate her 'Reading Detective' with this for some topics, such as history/science/language arts/reading. It's that complete-and cheap!! I think I paid $3, I saw another on ebay for $1 (a complete curriculum, for a whole year!)
All you need is the time to teach...which, I guess, would had been my downfall..
Well, that is our goal for next month (and a little hint with the above book;)
Look back later, as I post their work and what other exciting things we're doing:)
Happy Homeschooling!